
Code of Ethics

ISSUED BY: Human Resources
ISSUE DATE: 01/01/01
REVISION DATE: 11/14/2020



Buckhorn Children & Family Services (BCFS) prohibits the preferential treatment of members of the governing body, voluntary board, personnel, or consultants in application for and receipt of the Agency’s services.  BCFS also prohibits the practice of steering or directing referrals of its applicants, clients, or their families to a private practice in which the Agency professional personnel or consultants may be engaged.

Board members, employees and paid consultants of BCFS shall have no direct or indirect financial interest in the assets, leases, business transactions, or professional services of the Agency.  They will also agree to disclose in writing any personal or business relationship, prior to engaging in or dealing with, transactions or professional services on behalf of the Agency.

BCFS shall not accept payment or other consideration from another provider of services for referring applicants or clients to the provider of services or for referral to the Agency.

An employee of BCFS accepts responsibility for personal behavior and ethical job performance beyond the requisites of ordinary employment.  It is expected that the staff member of the Agency will:

  1. Perform in a manner that will provide the highest quality of care for the children and families served, and understand that the Board of Directors and management must keep this goal of service above the personal needs and wishes of staff.
  1. Carry out assignment for the Agency in such a manner as to bring credit to himself or herself and the Agency.
  1. Refrain from personal and professional activities, which might reflect on the integrity of the Agency.
  1. Refrain from activities that do or may create a conflict of interest.
  2. Respect and safeguard the personal property of the persons served, visitors, and personnel and property owned by the agency.
  3. Refrain from accepting or exchanging: gifts, money or gratuities from/with any client, business agent, or vendor.
  4. Refrain from the witnessing of documents (powers of attorney, guardianship) within scope of work except when approved by the CEO and outlined by policy and procedure.
  5. Refrain from responding on behalf of the agency to subpoenas, search warrants, investigations, and other documents of legal action. Staff must refer these items to the Compliance Department. The Compliance Department will review the information with the Executive Team.  The Executive Team will provide oversight and instruction to program leadership as needed.
  6. Refrain from exploiting youth and clients.
  7. Refrain from activities involving waste, fraud, abuse of resources or other wrongdoings



  1. Because a violation of the code of ethics can damage the reputation of the Agency and place programs in jeopardy, it is essential to report any suspected conflict to the Program Director immediately or the Human Resources Generalist.
  1. All reports of ethical code violations will be promptly submitted by Human Resources to the President/CEO within 24 hours of the report. The CEO will be responsible for assigning investigation personnel and coordinating corrective action within 10 days of receipt of the report.  Should any activity involve the President/CEO, Human Resources will notify the Board of Directors.  If the activity should involve Human Resources, then the President/CEO will be the person to inform.  All reports of ethical code violations are handled with whistleblower protections in that confidentiality to the extent possible and protection against any form of retaliation are provided.
  2. Seek advice from senior management prior to taking action on any issue involving ethics violations