Ways to Give

The Need is Great
Buckhorn Children & Family Services has always been fortunate to have faithful and generous donors and friends who support our commitment to serving those whose needs are greater than our own, a vision set forth by our founder, Reverend Harvey S. Murdoch. Today, we continue Reverend Murdoch’s mission as we serve Kentucky’s most vulnerable, at-risk children and youth.
As a private, non-profit institution, every dollar given is extremely important and very much appreciated.
There are many ways to give to Buckhorn Children & Family Services:
Make a Donation
Unrestricted donations to Buckhorn Children & Family Services are the most direct way to help us continue offering our programs and services and maintain our campus grounds and facilities for years to come.The kinds of donations we accept are listed and detailed for you below. BCFS is a charitable organization. All qualified gifts are tax-deductible.
Online Donations
Donating by credit card is made easier through our secure online giving site. We accept donations through PayPal via VISA, MasterCard, and American Express credit cards. You will also find an option to make recurring donations, which makes giving a monthly donation much easier. If you have any questions or concerns about online giving, please contact us. Click here to make an online donation now!
Cash donations or gifts made by check or money order should be made payable to Buckhorn Children’s Foundation and mailed to Buckhorn Children & Family Services, 116 Buckhorn Lane, Buckhorn, KY 41721.
In-Kind Donations
Non-cash gifts such as property, equipment, vehicles, and other tangible items can be donated. For questions and guidelines about this type of donation, please contact our Development Specialist. For those hoping to address specific needs, click here for our Wish List.
Capital, Major & Special Gifts
Donors seeking to make large contributions can do so toward construction projects and/or new programs. Currently, BCFS is conducting an $11 million capital campaign.
Your gift today will help us:
- renovate facilities on our campuses
- begin critical construction projects
- improve our treatment programs
- modernize housing for youth and staff
- upgrade technology
- expand outpatient services
- boost our workforce
- enhance recreational facilities
- fund special programs
- complete Re-Genesis, a therapeutic wilderness camp experience
- construct therapeutic gardens and greenhouses, and
- grow our therapeutic music and arts programs.
More information on special projects can be found by clicking here.
Matching Gifts
One of the most popular forms of corporate giving is the matching gift.
A Matching Gift Program is considered an employee benefit program. Employees who express their generosity and concern for charity are often given the opportunity to have their donations matched one-for-one, two-for-one, or even three-for-one. Individual firms set their own employee requirements, such as full-time, part-time, retiree, spouse, etc. And, many have a minimum gift amount – typically, $25.00 or $50.00, but it can certainly vary. The application process, too, may vary. For years, the process was simply to request a form from your employer at the Human Resources office, mail it to the charity along with the donation, and wait for it to be matched. Now, many corporations require online submission. Either way, the employee must follow the directions set forth by his/her company. The gift typically must be made to the charity — Presbyterian Child Welfare Agency, d.b.a. Buckhorn Children & Family Services, for instance – and, an agent of the charity must verify that the funds were received, prior to the company’s approval of the matching gift. Matching Gifts to BCFS are receipted promptly, and a letter is issued to the employee donor to acknowledge receipt of the corporate matching gift.
Fundraising Events & Event Sponsorship
Buckhorn Children & Family Services offers several fundraising events each year that offer opportunities for potential donors to support our kids, programs, and services. Some of our events include a Dinner & Charity Auction, the Run for the Hills Charity Challenge, and the Crockettsville Charity Concert & Trail Ride. Our sponsors are recognized in our newsletter and on our website.
Stocks, bonds, or other appreciated securities can be donated.
If, like us, you care about these children and want to play a part in changing their lives, then join us and make that difference as a volunteer! No matter how large or small your participation is on our campuses, you can be involved in shaping the future of our children. We welcome church groups, community groups, and individuals to our campuses to help out with special projects, activities, campus maintenance, and so much more. For more information on volunteer opportunities, click here.
For much more information on Stand Up for Buckhorn, a 2-year, $11 million capital campaign for Buckhorn Children & Family Services, click here to visit our special campaign page, or, if you’re ready, simply click the button below to make a donation.
Download a donation form

Sue McIntosh
Development Specialist
Phone: 606-398-7000
Toll-Free: 1-800-472-3678
Fax: 606-398-7912
Email: sue.mcintosh@buckhorn.org