Appalachian Angel Project

Finding Their Wings

Creating a place where at-risk children learn to fly.

In Kentucky, nearly 8,000 children live in out-of-home settings. They are removed from their families at very early ages due to severe abuse and neglect.

Kids come to Buckhorn Children & Family Services after failed placements and exhibit high needs and negative behaviors that must be treated in a safe and healthy environment.

Kentucky Children In

Out-of-Home Placement

As a faith-based agency that began over 100 years ago, we value the worth and life of every child and have been at the forefront of combatting the ills and negative consequences that result from the mistreatment of children.

Some children arrive on our campus after being transported by BCFS staff, but some are escorted by police, a state social worker, or a parent.

Some arrive with a bag of clothing; others arrive with nothing but their pajamas.

Some Thank God

they are now safe, while others are cursing God and looking for the first chance to run away.

Through the continuum of care offered by BCFS, children and youth find the much needed safety, structure, guidance, nurture, and sense of belonging they need to learn trust, respect, responsibility, and most of all, hope and healing that lead to a transformed life.

Regardless of their life crisis or trauma, when they arrive at BCFS, to us they are all angels without wings.

It is our responsibility to wrap our arms around them, lift them up, and help them find their wings.

With the ever-increasing changes in healthcare and traditional funding streams, facilities like ours are experiencing less and less revenue, while the need for safe places and therapeutic treatment for children and youth continue to increase.

The goal of every child in our care is to ultimately be placed in a loving, nurturing, and healthy forever-family, but before that can happen, we have some work to do.

That’s where you come in.

We are asking you to consider becoming a sponsor for our Appalachian Angel Project: Helping Kentucky’s Angels Find Their Wings.

Child sponsorship is an incredibly powerful way to help a child transform his or her life so that they can earn their wings and leave our facility to move forward in life.

It connects you with an “angel” who desperately needs your help and lets you provide life-changing benefits for that child through a monthly gift.

Sponsoring one of these kids can alter the course of that child’s life.

Your sponsorship ensures your sponsored child receives support through every phase of his or her young life while in our treatment program.

It provides additional programs and services that are not covered by the state or insurance agency.

As a sponsor, you’ll be amazed by how much can be accomplished with your gift!

Your monthly gift guarantees your sponsored child receives benefits and support that can dramatically change his or her life.

As you help one of these children, you will have the opportunity to:

Receive an Information Packet

about your “angel,” his life experience, and our plan to help that child find their wings.

Write and receive letters

and notes (the child’s name will be withheld).

Receive progress reports

from the child’s treatment team.Connector.

Receive personal updates

on the child from the BCFS President/CEO.

Receive a subscription

to the BCFS newsletter.

Send holiday packages

and gifts to your “angel” with prior approval from BCFS staff.

The Path: From You to Your Angel

Earning and maintaining our donor’s confidence is immensely important to us.

That’s why we’ve established stringent accounting and financial reporting procedures to ensure that the gifts we receive have the maximum impact on sponsored children and their families.

Each contribution you make is held in a special deposit account – the BCFS Angel Fund.

Sponsorship funds are transferred to each campus account as the “angel” is identified.

Sponsored “angels” receive benefits and services through their campus staff. Our staff follows strict guidelines to ensure your sponsored child receives the benefits and additional resources as identified.

When you send special gifts to your child, you’ll have direct contact with a campus representative to make sure your gift reaches the child.

Count Me In!

I want to help an Appalachian Angel find their wings.

Meet Your Angel!

Email Me!