Our Mission

Expanding on their existing solar capabilities, BCFS, with the support of Everybody Solar, is now enhancing their solar energy system by installing an additional 26.90 kW solar array, a strategic move that promises to increase operational efficiency, reinforce their commitment to environmental sustainability, and provide even greater support to those in their care.
Buckhorn Alumni Association
2024 Reunion Weekend
October 18, 19, & 20
Let’s ALL Help Celebrate Our Wildcats Returning Home!
More details coming soon!!!
Brunch and Auction to Benefit Buckhorn November 10!
Please click Donate Here Button on this page for Brunch Registration. After clicking the Donate Here Button, enter $30 for the Brunch Registration Fee then choose Donate with Debit or Credit Card. Next click the + Add special instructions to the seller and enter Brunch Registration. After filling out the rest of the page please click the Donate Now Button to complete the donation and registration process.
Thank you for your gift to Buckhorn Children & Family Services.
Our Mission
We are changing lives by providing mental and physical healing, social acceptance, and spiritual hope.
Buckhorn Children & Family Services pursues this mission with the following values.
Buckhorn Children & Family Services expects the best of all people. Staff are caring and respectful, using trauma-informed approaches. Staff and Board members promote an open and welcoming campus where listening, understanding, and service are central to care.
Buckhorn Children & Family Services is attuned to and proactive in addressing trends in the community. The staff meet people where they are, using best practices to serve them as individuals. Buckhorn communicates with stakeholders at all levels in order to respond in ways that benefit the people at the heart of the mission.
Buckhorn Children & Family Services employs evidence-based and results-oriented practices that demonstrate measurable outcomes for clients. The organization strives to provide a comprehensive continuum of care through Buckhorn’s programs, as well as placements for follow-up care.
Good Stewards
Buckhorn Children & Family Services is committed to securing resources for programming and using those resources wisely. Continuity of services that adapt to changing social needs means having competency, adequate staffing, funding, and stewardship to be successful.
Buckhorn Children & Family Services has a historical connection with the Presbyterian church and continues to live out its faith-based roots by recognizing the preciousness and value of all people, compelled by love for others. Buckhorn recognizes spirituality as part of holistic health for many people, and the organization operates in a non-sectarian fashion, welcoming all faiths.
As professionals and concerned citizens, we strive to provide competent, caring treatment, education, and advocacy services to Kentucky’s most at-risk kids and adults. Our campus communities are dedicated to serving kids as well as adults. Thus, strengthening families as they work to overcome a variety of life crises, including chronic and severe abuse and neglect.
Located in the scenic Appalachian Mountains of eastern Kentucky, our residential campus in Pine Ridge offers secure, compassionate, and therapeutic communities to our kids. Likewise, our residential campus in Buckhorn offers secure, compassionate, and therapeutic communities to our adults. Here they will know that they are someplace safe, different, and special.
“We strive to create an environment in which every person who receives our services feels cared for, safe, empowered, respected, and accepted.”
– Buckhorn Children & Family Services
BCFS is known for taking on the toughest kids, building a personalized program that works for each one, and sticking with them all the way through the treatment process. Through our system of evidence-based, trauma-informed care, the staff at BCFS
assists the child/youth and families in rebuilding their lives. At BCFS, we are dedicated to providing our clients the very best treatment, education, and services that are child-centered, family-focused, and community-based.
Our Philosophy

The children we serve in our residential and therapeutic foster care settings range in age from birth to 17. These children have been placed in our continuum of care due to significant abuse, trauma, and/or neglect issues within a previous biological, adoptive, or foster care home.
Children in our Family Preservation Program cover the entire age span and are placed within the program to eradicate issues that have been cited in the home.
Throughout our history, we have discovered that children thrive best in a safe environment that provides consistency, structure, and nurturance. Our services are delivered with an empathic response that includes the child, family, and community’s voice and participation, which leads to individualized, strengths-based interventions. This approach builds skills that strive for sustainable outcomes. We believe sustainability is best achieved with an integrated approach among all involved parties.
BCFS serves children and families from all different backgrounds and configurations. Whether issues are found within a biological, adoptive, or foster family, BCFS stands ready to assist all.
We have discovered that families — traditional and nontraditional — thrive best when they are heard, respected, and empowered to define their needs and embrace their capacity to heal. Our services are delivered to the family unit with a culturally competent, empathic, and holistic model. This approach promotes family engagement that strives for increased cohesion and change within the family.
Sustainability is only achieved when change occurs within the framework of the family.

Children and families respond best to treatment that includes the community and culture in which they live. Services provided by BCFS are delivered in the least restrictive setting that promotes awareness, ownership, and connection to the natural community.
This child-centered, family-focused approach is reliant upon a community network that is proactively engaged. Sustainability is contingent upon community support and accountability for maintaining the safety, well-being, and permanency of the child and family. Also, as advocates, it is our duty to heighten community and legislative awareness of the difficult challenges families face.
The professionals at BCFS believe that with the proper support, children and families possess the capacity to heal. Our role is to help children and families identify what strengths they possess and aid them in leveraging those skills and resources to overcome obstacles and to live empowered lives.